Easter 2003 on Afrin (our boat)



Goodness me its been a long time since I updated this!
I shall get round to doing a proper update some time soon.

In the mean time - this is the page I put together the day or so after Zoë was born...


Step back in time>>>>>

We are delighted to be able to tell you all that our first daughter, Zoë, was born on Friday 24th October, weighed 6lb 14.5oz (3.13kg).

Her full name is Zoë Erzsébet Leighton. The middle name is the Hungarian version of Elizabeth (Mim being half Hungarian as you should all know by now!).

We thought it would be a nice thing for Zoë to have a reminder of where her roots are and she can decide later in her life if she wants to be Elizabeth or Erzsébet.


If you fancy visiting, have a look at our calendar and see if we are likely to be free - but do give us a call or email us to give us warning as Mim is still feeling like she has been run over by a bus...even if the bus gets slightly smaller each day...

We are really so touched by all the offers of help that we have had from so many of you and may well take you up on them at some time in the next few weeks!

Quite a few of you have asked what you might be able to get as a present for Zoë and we are in a bit of a quandary.

We have had so much wonderful help in collecting all the baby paraphenalia and clothing particularly from Hallam and Claire Rose, and John and Tancy, and Geraldine (Dan's mum). Also, as many of you know, we have more toys than we know what to do with!

So even though we know many of you, our kind dear friends, would love to get a little pressie we are really not sure we have got room left in the house. So, we thought perhaps we might suggest one of the following alternatives.

- Yvette has kindly offered to open a fund for Zoë and any contributions to this will be a long lasting present which will keep on growing. Do make sure we have a record of your name so that we can tell Zoë in years to come who contributed so kindly to her nest egg!
- If you don't feel that is your thing...then send us a plant for the garden and we can point it out to her as she grows up! Ring Yvette and have a chat with her about what will grow in our garden - and don't worry, even if we ever move house (God forbid!) we'll take the plants with us...

Photos not working at the moment...

Lots of love xxx

Dan, Mim & Zoë




© Dan Leighton & Mim Bower 2004 - Site design by Dan